Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Hola!! I didn't have time to do a voice recording this week because we had an emergency transfer last night at 8:30 because one of the Elders in Sabanalarga was getting sent home and Elder Delgado is taking his place.  I'm not in a trio anymore.  This week wasn't bad.  I had some bad days and some good days.  Elder Rigby, who has been here for 8 months gave me some advice and it has really turned everything around for me.  I started working harder and making this life my life and our apartment my home.  I'm being more obedient and loving it here.  The Spanish is coming slowly and each day is just a tad better.  I can understand more than I can talk.  I figured something out the other day, this language is not Spanish.  It's called Costenol and only the people on the coast speak it.  That is why I'm having such a hard time and it's so fast blah!!
I have some exciting news!!!  We had 2 baptisms on Saturday, Rafeal and Diana.  I have pictures so don't worry( I just don't know how to send them yet).  What an amazing spiritual experience to be a part of.  Other than that , that's my week.   I went and go a haircut today and it's horrible.  I hate it so much, never again, hahaha next time I'm doing it on my own.  Love you guys hope we can chat.

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